Marketing webdesign for CRM Product
Marketing webdesign for CRM Product
FlowCRM is a privately held company, headquartered in Miami, Florida, USA. There mission is to help busy and forward-thinking entrepreneurs create more opportunities and close more deals. Our customer was looking for a fresh appeal but also want to keep all focus on User Experience & Interaction Design. A set of basis interactive wire-frames using Axure & In vision tool were done to create a complete flow of the Application. Team designed the User Interface in an intuitive manner keeping usability ascetics at all levels and use of clear spacing, consistent widgets & navigation usage where necessary.
For the marketing part of application Team INOACTIV took the approach of illustrations. Explaining each segments & features of application via Illustrations & High-end graphics. The final result was a application & website that makes use of corporate branding, illustrations, modern typography all layered in a flowing, energetic and vibrant output.
Lets work together.